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John Newton
John Newton (1950s)
''I washed in cold water summer and winter at Wesley neighbour...happened to have been in the RAF as an education officer, he...
J Stuart Rhodes
Stuart Rhodes (1955-7)
I have so many good memories of my years at the House, especially the worship, teaching, friendships, challenges and opportunities. To...
WF Flemington
Changes in the tutorial staff (1959)
Memo from WF Flemington With the growing emphasis during recent years on the activities of World Methodism it is natural that the bonds...
WF Flemington
A eulogy for Newton Flew
Dr Flew's work on the Faculty Board of Divinity won the respect of his colleagues. After his death, the Regius Professor, Dr EC Ratcliff,...
WF Flemington
Wartime at Wesley
During the war years, 1939-1945, the number of students gradually diminished because for several years the Conference was not accepting...
John Stanfield
John Stanfield - Cambridge 1946-1950
During my first year in Cambridge I decided to offer for the Methodist Ministry and with Ronald Spivey’s help I candidated. This meant a...
WF Flemington
Second decennial
A second decennial Commemoration should have been held in 1941 but because of the war it was postponed. The year 1946, however, marked...

Mrs Helen Hughes (May 1941)
1911: Beginnings
Mr Michael Gutteridge of Haslemere, Surrey, became known to many Methodists for the first time at the Cardiff Conference of 1911. There...

Mrs Helen Hughes (May 1941)
1911: Dr Ritson
Throughout the early years of planning, the greatest possible help was qiven to Mr Gutteridge by Dr Ritson, at that time Secretary of the...

Mrs Helen Hughes (May 1941)
1913: William Greenhalgh
In 1913, when the Rev H. Maldwyn Hughes was minister of Southbank Road, Southport, he was consulted by his friend, Mr William Greenhalgh...

Mrs Helen Hughes (May 1941)
1920: 2 Brookside
In 1920 Mr Gutteridge paid several visits to Cambridge with Mr Albert Reid of London (who also gave £5000) in a vain attempt to find a...

Mrs Helen Hughes (May 1941)
1921: The first students
At the Conference of 1920 the Rev Dr H Maldwyn Hughes then at Clapham, was designated Principal of the new College which was afterwards...
Mrs Helen Hughes (May 1941)
1922: New men
At the Conference of 1922 four new men were allocated to Wesley House:- D Llewellyn Jones BA (Aberystwyth) S Snoxell BA (Fitzwilliam...

Mrs Helen Hughes (May 1941)
1922: A new site
On October 12th 1922 the Trustees met to consider the question of a site in Jesus Lane where tumble-down stables and a row of derelict...

Mrs Helen Hughes (May 1941)
1922: New plans
Sir Aston Webb was asked to prepare plans which were submitted to the Trustees on Dec 12th 1922 and adopted. These plans were exhibited...

Mrs Helen Hughes (May 1941)
1922: John Finch
In November 1922 Mr and Mrs John Finch spent a day at Wesley House. Conversations with Dr Hughes had aroused their interest in the work...

Mrs Helen Hughes (May 1941)
1923: Illness
At the end of December 1922 Dr Hughes was taken ill and after term had begun in January 1923 he was obliged to leave home for some weeks....
Mrs Helen Hughes (May 1941)
1923: Tenders and leavers
On June 6th 1923 tenders were invited for the building. That of Messrs Coulson & Son of Cambridge was accepted and the work was begun....

Mrs Helen Hughes (May 1941)
1923: Sir Henry Holloway
In August 1923 Sir Henry Holloway went Home after a short illness and Wesley House lost one of its best friends. He gave generously to...
Mrs Helen Hughes (May 1941)
1923: New men
When term began in October 1923 GE Greeve was elected Chairman and the new men were: GW Bowken (non-graduate) Harold S Darby BA (Cardiff)...
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