The 1930s
The Chapel, given by Edmund Lamplough in memory of his brother, Williamson (who died 12 October 1925) was completed in May. A specially designed organ to suit the size and dimensions of the building was installed. A balcony above the readers desk was installed with a doorway leading to the Principal's Lodge. Women were not allowed into the Chapel for morning and evening prayers and the balcony facilitated access to worship from the Lodge.
There was an opening ceremony for the Chapel on May 17th attended by the Revd Dr WF Lofthouse (President of the Conference and Principal of Handsworth College) and the Masters of Jesus, Sidney Sussex and Pembroke colleges.
After tea in the Dining Hall and Common Room an organ recital was given by Mr Allan Brown, organist of Kingsway Hall.
Harold Speed was commissioned by Lamplough to decorate the walls of the Chapel and he completed a painting of Christ for the Apse by the end of Easter Term.
The first decennial commemoration took place on 11th May before a distinguished audience of University and other guests.
Dr Hughes becomes the last President of the Wesleyan Conference holding office from July 1932 until the Uniting Conference in September. (Wesley House had anticipated the Union by receiving, before 1932, three students from the Primitive and United Methodist Churches.)
Harold Speed completes the wall paintings (on canvas). They were later covered up.
Reginald Bell's west window, given by Michael Gutteridge, is installed.
Michael Gutteridge, Founder of the House, born 29 April 1842 died on 26 May 1935. A memorial service was held in the Chapel on 11 June.
Maldwyn Hughes who had suffered from health problems for some time decided to retire from the role of Principal.
Newton Flew was nominated Principal and the Methodist Conference appointed The Revd William Frederick Flemington to the role of Tutor. He had studied at Wesley House in the 1920s and gone on to become assistant tutor at Handsworth Methodist training college in Birmingham. The two men formed an interesting contrast. Flew - colourful, and flamboyant. Flemington careful, methodical and precise.
A portrait of Dr Hughes was unveiled on 10 June in the Dining Room in his presence by the Revd W Russell Shearer, one of the original six students and also Dr Hughes' present minister at Muswell Hill. Mr Shearer spoke of the abiding impression left on all who had been trained at the House under Dr Hughes. Some words were also spoken by Mr Frank Salisbury about the spiritual values that underlay his work as an artist.
Mrs Hughes's history; JW Waterhouse