The opening ceremony took place on May 17th 1930. After lunching with the students in Hall and addressing them there, Dr Lofthouse, President of the Conference, preached on Truth, Goodness and Beauty as ideals for which the Chapel stood.
To the great regret of all, Mr Gutteridge was ill and unable to be present, but he was represented by his younger son, Mr Norman Gutteridge. Professor HC Gutteridge was also away but Mrs HC Gutteridge and their son, Mr M Gutteridge were there.
The Chapel was filled with a gathering representative of the University and Methodism. The Vice-Chancellor was unavoidably absent, but Dr Fitzpatrick, President of Queens' College, his predecessor, took his place. The Masters of Jesus, Sidney Sussex and Pembroke Colleges, with the Principals of Ridley Hall, Westcott House and Westminster College were present and the Rev EW Johnson (Tutor) represented Dr Cave, Principal of Cheshunt College. The Theology Faculty attended in the person of the Divinity Professors and other lecturers and Fellows of Colleges. The Public Orator (Dr TR Glover) and the Mistress of Girton were among those present, also Mr BL Manning (Jesus College) and the Rev Boys-Smith (St John's Collge).
The Rev FL Wiseman, the Rev Dr JH Ritson, the Rev Conrad Skinner, with the circuit ministers, Gilroy Smith and others represented Methodism. Mr & Mrs John Finch, Prof & Mrs TM Lowry, Mr A Page-Grubb (Secretary) were present for the Governors and Mr WH Balgarnie for the Headmaster of the Leys School.
After the service the President held a Reception in the Lecture Hall for the friends of Cambridge and the District Methodism and nearly 200 guests were entertained to tea in the Dining Hall and Common Room.
At 5pm Mr Allan Brown gave an Organ Recital which displyed the beautiful tone of the instrument in a varied programme. Wesley House was fortunate in having as a student then J Alan Kay, a trained musician who became the first organist and greatly enriched the services of the Chapel.
A beautiful manuscript Service Book bound in blue tooled leather was compiled and presented by Clifford Buckroyd and Ralph Bethel for use in the Reader's Desk. This labour of love was greatly appreciated and the book has been much admired by all who have seen it.
