In October 1937 a paragraph appeared in the Cambridge Review, headed “The Retiring Principal of Wesley House”. After saying that Dr Hughes’ retirement was “a reminder of a great achievement carried through with mingled modesty and courage”, it continued “In all the steady work of the last sixteen years Dr Hughes made the decisions and led the way. He has been a real Father in God to the many men who have come under his care. A theological writer of distinction, he has taken part in the wider life of the Churches, especially in all recent movements for co-operation and reunion…His early retirement, owing to ill-health, will be deeply regretted by his many friends in Cambridge. At Jesus College, of which he was a loyal member, Dr Hughes will be missed particularly. He has been for many years a well-known and most welcome figure in the Combination Room. Jesus College, as well as Wesley House, will look forward to his future visits.”
A further paragraph spoke of the new Principal, Dr Newton Flew, “An Oxford man and not infrequently expressing his pride in that fact, he has so closely identified himself with the life of our University that we can say in all sincerity that, if he did not remind us, we should never realise that he was not originally one of ourselves. He is master of the very complicated regulations for the Theological Tripos, an excellent examiner (by our methods not those of Oxford) and an invaluable member of our Degree Committee and Board of Divinity”.
Cambridge Review, Volume 59, 1937-1938