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Haslemere, Surrey
Twelfth December 1912
To Harold Cooke Gutteridge Esqre, 2 Pump Court, Temple, E6, and Samuel Cooke Esqre, North Bank, Housewell Hill, N
Dear Sirs,
With a view to securing the better education of candidates for the Ministry of the Wesleyan Methodist Church and in the hope that in addition to my donation a sum of £20,000 at least will be subscribed for the foundation and maintenance of a Hostel within the University of Cambridge for the use and training of candidates who are likely to profit by education at that University, I have this day transferred the undermentioned Stocks into your joint names and hereby request you pending the subscription of a further sum of £20,000 for the purposes of the foundation and maintenance of such a Hostel, either to retain such stocks or in your absolute discretion to transfer the same or any of them into some security or securities authorised by law for the investment of trust funds and from time to time to invest the resulting income as securities within the range so authorised.
If and when and as soon as the additional sum of £20,000 has been subscribed whether in cash or in securities of equivalent market value, I wish you to use or apply both the capital and income of the investments then representing my donation for such purposes in connection with the foundation equipment and maintenance of a Hostel within the University of Cambridge for the use and training of candidates for the Ministry (including the adequate remuneration and maintenance allowances for a tutor or tutors resident or otherwise) as you or the survivor of you after consultation with the Wesleyan Methodist Conference or any person or committee authorised by such Conference shall think fit and to make and execute all necessary declarations of trust, deeds and acts for carrying out such purposes.
In the event of the said additional sum of £20,000 not having been collected for the purposes of such Hostel by the First day of January 1916 I desire you to apply both the capital and income then representing my donation either for immediate expenditure or as an endowment or partly for one and partly for the other but in either case for or towards education at the University of Cambridge of Candidates for the Wesleyan Methodist Ministry and in such manner generally as you or the survivor of you may in your absolute discretion think fit you being at liberty to execute a settlement of the fund or any part therefore upon such trusts and with such provisions as you may think fit including a power of future revocation and alteration not inconsistent with the main object of such education at Cambridge.
Having regard to the legal restrictions on accumulation of income I direct that if I should die before the 1st January 1916 and before the scheme has [matured?] the income accruing after my death is to be paid from time to time to the Theological Institution Fund for or towards education at Cambridge of candidates for the Ministry.
The Stocks referred to are the following:-
£1,000 Canadian Northern Ontario Railway Company 3½% Guaranteed First Mortgage Debenture Stock.
20 Bonds of 1,000 francs each, City of Zurich 4% Loan 1908 Series A. numbers 136846-65
£800 4% preference Stock London & North Western Railway.
£1,000 3% Debenture Stock London North Western Railway.
£1,000 3% Consolidated Debenture Stock, London and South Western Railway.
£1,000 2½% Consolidated Stock.
Yours truly
[signed] Michael Gutteridge
Witness: A.F. Douglas
10 Old Jewry Chambers St. Solicitor
We the above named Harold Cooke Gutteridge and Samuel Cooke acknowledge that the above mentioned stocks have been transferred by Mr Michael Gutteridge to us and that we hold the same upon the above written terms.
Dated this twelfth day of December 1912.
[signed] Harold Cooke Gutteridge
[signed] Samuel Cooke
Witness to both signatories

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