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Mrs Helen Hughes (May 1941)
1920: 2 Brookside
In 1920 Mr Gutteridge paid several visits to Cambridge with Mr Albert Reid of London (who also gave £5000) in a vain attempt to find a...
Mrs Helen Hughes (May 1941)
1921: The first students
At the Conference of 1920 the Rev Dr H Maldwyn Hughes then at Clapham, was designated Principal of the new College which was afterwards...
Mrs Helen Hughes (May 1941)
1922: New men
At the Conference of 1922 four new men were allocated to Wesley House:- D Llewellyn Jones BA (Aberystwyth) S Snoxell BA (Fitzwilliam...
Mrs Helen Hughes (May 1941)
1922: A new site
On October 12th 1922 the Trustees met to consider the question of a site in Jesus Lane where tumble-down stables and a row of derelict...
Mrs Helen Hughes (May 1941)
1922: New plans
Sir Aston Webb was asked to prepare plans which were submitted to the Trustees on Dec 12th 1922 and adopted. These plans were exhibited...
Mrs Helen Hughes (May 1941)
1922: John Finch
In November 1922 Mr and Mrs John Finch spent a day at Wesley House. Conversations with Dr Hughes had aroused their interest in the work...
Mrs Helen Hughes (May 1941)
1923: Illness
At the end of December 1922 Dr Hughes was taken ill and after term had begun in January 1923 he was obliged to leave home for some weeks....
Mrs Helen Hughes (May 1941)
1923: Tenders and leavers
On June 6th 1923 tenders were invited for the building. That of Messrs Coulson & Son of Cambridge was accepted and the work was begun....
Mrs Helen Hughes (May 1941)
1923: Sir Henry Holloway
In August 1923 Sir Henry Holloway went Home after a short illness and Wesley House lost one of its best friends. He gave generously to...
Mrs Helen Hughes (May 1941)
1923: New men
When term began in October 1923 GE Greeve was elected Chairman and the new men were: GW Bowken (non-graduate) Harold S Darby BA (Cardiff)...
Mrs Helen Hughes (May 1941)
1923: Clearing the site
The work of clearing the site went on continuously during the winter months and a high wooden fence was erected which hid these...
Mrs Helen Hughes (May 1941)
1924: Building progress
During 1924 more rapid progress was made on the building. The first section completed consisted of the A and B blocks which were...
Mrs Helen Hughes (May 1941)
1924: New men
The new men were: WF Flemington (Jesus Coll: Oxon) DO Soper (St Catharine's Cambs) JB Webb (S. Africa) WP Baker (Wadham, Oxon) LA Parsons...
Mrs Helen Hughes (May 1941)
1925: Inauguration
The necessary part of the building was due to be ready by March 25th 1925. The work of furnishing was then carried out after much...
Mrs Helen Hughes (May 1941)
1925: Settling in
For a time the Common Room was Chapel and Lecture Room as well and a miscellaneous collection of books was lent for it by Mr Reddaway,...
Mrs Helen Hughes (May 1941)
1925: C block completes
During the Long Vacation C. Block was finished and it was decided to build a corner section with the Assistant Tutor's rooms on the top...
Mrs Helen Hughes (May 1941)
1925: Formal Opening
On October 23rd 1925 the formal opening of Wesley House took place. At noon the Principal conducted the earlier part of a service of...
Mrs Helen Hughes (May 1941)
1926: Gutteridge Portrait
In September 1926 Mr Gutteridge's portait, painted by AT Nowell, was hung in the Dining Hall. It is a fine piece of work, faithfully...
Mrs Helen Hughes (May 1941)
1927: A Wesley man abroad
In 1927 EJ Jones went to Western Nigeria where he has carried on pioneer work for many years. His successful Scout Troop at Ibadam has...
Mrs Helen Hughes (May 1941)
1927: Newton Flew
At the Conference of 1927 the Rev R Newton Flew was appointed to the Greenhalgh Chair of New Testament Theology, and on September 27th he...
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